Standard knife gate valve

TECOFI knife gate valve is constituted by a gate which slides in a narrow body. The upper part of the gate, in closed or opened position, stands out from the body.
The gate is sharp thanks to a chamfer of extremity. The polishing of faces facilitates the penetration of the gate in the product. At the end of valve closing, the gate is stuck to the joint to assure the seat tightness.
The gland packing guarantees the internal tightness of the valve.
– This technology of TECOFI knife gate valve is particularly adapted for difficult using conditions such as thick or pow – dery products.
– Traditional gate valves contain important retention zones. Also thick or powdery products prevent the good functioning of the wedge. The TECOFI knife gate valves with the upper gate part always out of body can always open and being sharp always can close with sharp edge.
– Pulp production.
– Water, water treatment, waste water.
– Chemical industry: powdery or crystallizing products.
– Brewery industry: wine-producing.
– Pulverized products: cement work, pneu -matic transport, stocking.
– Function ON/OFF or regulation.
– Wafer threaded mounting.
– Unidirectional tightness, direction indication thanks to the arrow on the body.
– Small retention zone: the gate is guided in the body and has little clearance.
– Gland assembly: packing and O-ring (same materials as seat joint) to assure the elasticity and decrease the operating torque.
– Small head loss.
– Possibility to regulate thick fluids with the adaptation of a diaphragm ring.
More information about Standard knife gate valve