Channel Penstock (Pull up weir)

The KWT Channel Penstocks have a wide scope of deployment and are being specified for surface water ,process water and sewer applications.
The purpose of the Channel Penstock is to stop the flow of water till a pre-defined maximum level.Once the water rises above this fixed level, it will pass the weir freely .The simplicity of the design does not affect the important task that the penstock usually fulfills. The sturdy construction must meet the required operational conditions.The weir can be pulled up in case water needs to pass;the water will flow underneaththe moving plate.The Channel Penstock can be fix ed in multiple ways; i.e.wall mounted, or in a rebate filled up with concrete.The KWT Channel Penstocks models KOAS I and KOAS II The KWT Channel Penstock is available in a single spindle version (K OAS I) and in a double spindle version (K OAS II)The use of a double spindle depends on the width of the stop log. Till incl 1500 mm a single spindle will suffice; wider penstocks will require a 2-spindle version.
Opening Width : 20mm t/m 5000mm
Height of stoplog : 100mm t/m 3000mm
Method of operation : manual or by actuation
Operating connector : KWT standard
Other sizes or designs upon request.
Made-to-specification, yet, a fast delivery time
All designs can be manually operated; upon request Each design can be supplied with an motorised actuator ,or , alternatively , a pneumatic or hydraulic cylinder , and a control unit if required.
Long lasting materials