Sequence Batch Reactor

 Sequence Batch Reactor 

SBR is a high-performance wastewater treatment solution that combines the advantages of batch and continuous flow approaches. This high-performance and versatile technology is compliant with the most stringent discharge standards and provides stable performance despite any flow variations. This high-quality product generates minimal operating costs and is easy to maintain or modify.

This technology is ideal for:

  • Treatment of high load municipal or industrial wastewater and treatment of percolates in warm or cold climates
  • Optimizing operating and equipment costs through a streamlined design
  • Upgrading conventional treatment systems simply and at a minimum cost
  • Meeting requirements respecting effluents, regardless of the prevailing conditions

High-performance and stable technology

Advanced and economic secondary biological treatment in a single step.

Easy operation

Equipped with a highly efficient control and monitoring program capable of managing plants.

Remarkable reliabilityAdapted to manage irregular and peak flows.

Economical biological removal

Makes it possible to achieve considerable savings by significantly reducing the quantities of chemicals required