Belt Screen

Belt Screen
Self cleaning filtering element screen
Self-Cleaning Screen is particularly designed for removing large solids from both municipal and industrial waste water influent streams.
Typical plants
Civil water treatment plants
Industrial laundry plants
Paper mills
Dairies and sugar houses
Zoo technical breeding concerns
Tanning industry
Textile industry
Food industry
Food-preserving industry
Chemical and petrolchemical industry
Working principle
The V2 screen consists of a frame constructed of thick stainless steel, housing a moving belt made up of molded filter elements having a unique geometric shape.These filter elements trap the suspended solids in the influent as the belt travels around inside its frame, and conveys the screenings to the discharge point on the back of the screen. The screened material collected by the filter elements is discharged by reversing the direction of the belt; that is,as the belt changes direction, the elements clean themselves and eject the screenings from the belt into a dumpster, conveyor or washer compactor.The machine is also equipped with a rotating brush that guarantees complete cleaning of the filter elements.
Self-Cleaning Filter Elements
The acetal resin filter elements are molded in a unique shape which guarantees the relative motion of each element to the other filter elements and assures self-cleaning of the belt. Acetal resin has a very high mechanical strength and chemical resistance, is unaffected by ultraviolet rays, and is not sensitive to either high or low temperatures.Standard openings are 3, 6, 10 and 15 mm.
Filtering Belt Cleaning
The absolute and total cleaning of the filtering surface is ensured by the relative motion of the filter elements which are self-cleaning.The V2 also uses a rotating brush controlled by the main drive shaft which rotates in the opposite direction of the screening belt and thereby completes the cleaning process.